
I am a creator, a wife, a mother, a homemaker, a learner, a teacher, an artist, and a musician. 

I firmly believe that every person is a child of God. The people we pass on the street, the family we live with, the countless numbers we never will meet are all offspring of the great Creator with limitless worth and potential.

In in my constant search to reach my potential and help my family reach theirs I am constantly reading, studying, and trying to apply what I learn.  I love reading parenting books. The good ones that change how I parent, give needed insights into my children, and help me reflect back on my own childhood.

My best friend once said that whenever she starts her family she'll have to ask me for a list of books she should read. I suppose this blog is in response to her future question. It's a small part of my journey as a mother, homemaker, and a wife. I love sharing thoughts and information that blesses our lives just as much as I love learning from so many amazing people that have touched and continue to touch my life.

Thank you my Wonderful for your constant love and teasing. Thank you to my children who teach me things I never knew I never knew. Thank you to my parents for believing that I could do anything I set my heart to.

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